Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Who knew pictures could be so easy!

Teagan turns nine months tomorrow, It's hard to believe!! Tomorrow is also her 9 mo doctor visit, we'll get to see how chunky she is!! So today I took her to get her pictures. Now with Talon, I dreaded taking him to get pictures, hence why I didn't get that many done with the exception of the important ones. He never smiled, and we tried EVERYTHING to get him to do it!! It was a beating!! I always left there frustrated, with cute pics but the process to get those cute pics, wasn't worth my sanity. Well, either Teagan is the happiest baby, or she LOVES the camera!! Either way, it was so easy!!! The hardest part of the whole thing was trying to determine which pictures were the best because she was smiling in 95% of them. So enjoy the eight that I picked out.....

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Who wants an update??

If you're reading this, I'm sure you're yelling "YES! FINALLY!". So this is for you, an update on us. First, we'll start off at the beginning of October....Talon got pneumonia. He was put on breathing treatments and antibiotics, and the biggest task during this time was keeping him away from Teagan. Now, I hear from other people that thier kids become lethargic or just laid back when their kids are sick, well NOT MINE....I really don't think there is anything that could keep Talon down. So after a week of saying "Talon get away from Teagan", "Talon stop coughing on Teagan" she still ended up with a cold, I'm just relieved that she didn't get pneumonia too. Well apparently once you have wheezing, then you're more likely to get it again in the future. Which was true off and on during October, which could have been due to the weather changes, allergy related or being around other kids with viruses. We have now invested into a nebulizer.

Halloween festivities filled our last couple weeks of October. The weekend before, we went to a carnival. Talon dressed up like a race car driver, and Teagan was a bumble bee. Talon had a great time at the carnival riding rides, riding the horses, and most of all running around with his friend Madeline. Then the day before Halloween we went to the pumpkin patch with our friend Nikkie and her little boy Brandon. It was a beautiful day, we had a great time. On Halloween, Talon had a pretty busy day. Grandma Chapel came into town for the weekend too. The day started with his school doing some fun activities, then he came home and we went to a Halloween party at a friends house. After that it was time to go trick-or-treating and Teagan headed to bed. Our neighbors (Joe & Julie) brought home a tractor and trailor (I know, only in Texas). We sat in the back as Joe drove us around the neighborhood and the kids all trick-or-treated. Talon did awesome, he even thanked people for the candy, which resulted in him getting more candy a few times. We had to end our night early because Talon was complaining that his stomach hurt. He ate when we got home and he said he felt better, so we chalked it up to hunger pains. Well at 2:30, he woke up with a coughing fit and I gave him a breathing treatment. He then woke up at 6:00, again coughing. He received two more treatments by 8:30, and he still couldn't stop coughing. So off to the doctor we went. When he got to the doctor his blood oxygen levels were too low, so he received four more treatments during the next hour trying to get his levels to increase. They didn't so we were then off to the hospital. Were he spent his day and night on oxygen and treatments every two hours and steroids. The next morning, much to his excitement, the doctor allowed him to be taken off all machines and play in the playroom. He did much better Sunday so they sent us home Sunday night along with numerous drug prescriptions. We went to his checkup on Tuesday and his Doctor said he was still wheezing, so she upped his dosages and added a couple more prescriptions. I seriously can't believe he's on seven medications. Oh, and he's not to go to school for another week. So today is Sunday, one week later. Talon is going INSANE with cabin fever, I'm going insane....well because I've been home with a kid who has cabin fever AND on steroids and breathing treatments. For those of you who don't know the effects of both of those, well lets just say that I thought Talon couldn't have more energy than he already does, I was terribly wrong. But he is feeling better, he is coughing a little bit, but it's a productive cough so it's good. Tomorrow, he's going back to school!

Now, on to Teagan. She's doing great. A little cranky because the time change and her don't agree. We can't seem to get her off of the schedule where she wakes up at 5:30 and goes to bed at 5:30. I'm pretty sure the people who like the time change, don't have small kids!!! It's such a PITA for mommies. She currently doesn't have any teeth, but I'm pretty sure she is trying to get some, which could attribute to her crankiness too. She is crawling everywhere and pulling up on everything. She can also balance standing for about five seconds. She's almost done with her helmet. Only a week and a half left. YAY!! The 10 weeks have flown by. Although it's going to be bittersweet, because right now she hits her head all the time and it doesn't phase her, but when that helmet comes off....uh oh! I guess that's how we learn. I can't believe she'll be 9 months on November 20th. Time sure does fly. Well here are some pictures to go with this long post....enjoy!