Saturday, April 4, 2009

Teagan's One Year

I can't believe Teagan is one!! This year has flown by so fast. And now she's walking and trying to talk. She has two teeth too. She is so fun right now, her personality is coming out and it's just so dang cute! I can already tell that she is going to be strong willed. Well here are some pictures that we took at the arboretum for her One Year pictures...enjoy!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Teagan Walks!!

That's right, Teagan is mobile now! She started to take steps on her own a couple weeks after she turned ten months. I can't believe how fast this year has gone. Watching Teagan everyday learn something new is amazing! She only has one word and it's either bye-bye, bubba (talon) or ba-ba (bottle)...can't really tell. She has two teeth and definitely knows how to use them, especially on Talon's toes! She is interested in everything...such a nosey nelly! She has to know what everyone is doing. I'm currently planning her 1st year birthday party, it's going to conveniently be the same time as Talon's (they are only two weeks apart). Well here's a video..enjoy!