Saturday, September 20, 2008

She's on the Move

This week we had Teagan's 6mo doctor visit, although she is 7mo today (got a little behind due to the doctor's schedule). She is in the 75th %tile for height and weight. She is 18.2 lbs and 27 in long. The doctor says she is doing great, a very healthy baby. She was also surprised at how she is already crawling!! I foresee we're going to have another Talon....

So, Teagan has mastered crawling. She started to inch crawl about two weeks ago, but she pretty much has it down now. She knows she can get places, and she does!! It's almost time for the gates to go up....

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Go Cowboys!!!

It's football season and the cowboys are 2-0! Superbowl, here we come....maybe?!?! Who knows....although I do know who the cutest #1 cowboy fan is.....

Thursday, September 11, 2008


We have a helmet!! Teagan had it fitted yesterday and wore it most of the day. She didn't even seem to care. Last night she did great too. She looks so cute in it. It makes her face look even more round, which I didn't know was possible. She looks like she's about to go out on the field and kick some football butt. I'm currently trying to find someone to decorate it so it doesn't look so *medical*. She'll be in it for 2-3 months, as far as I know. I'm sure it'll go by fast!! Teagan is also crawling. (At least the helmet will provide some protection as she bumps into walls and furniture.) Here are some pictures.