Friday, January 25, 2008

34 Weeks

Today I am 34 weeks in my pregnancy. I had my doctor's appointment and planned on getting some questions answered. Even though I know that there really aren't any answers to be given in my situation I thought I would try. So Teagan is still there kicking away, good heartbeat and growing. What's also growing is my blood pressure. Slowly, but surely. I guess to my doctor i'm still in the 'ok' zone, which seems to aggrevate me because it's not the fact that i'm in the 'ok' zone, it's more that it is increasing. I asked her numerous questions about Landon traveling, if my blood pressure continues to increase what happens next.....pretty much questions that all have one answer "we'll have to wait and see". I did find out that unless i'm really sick, i'm not having her any sooner than 39 weeks. I did get a date though, February 28th (she didn't even mention the 29th, so I didn't either). If my cervix is somewhat showing signs of readiness then that will be the date. But as for anything sooner, I guess we'll have to wait and see. My next apppointment is Monday, February 4th. So stay tuned.......

We had 3D/4D pictures taken a few weeks ago, which didn't come out so well because Teagan was face down tucked away in my cervix. But we did get a couple shots. Here is one of them. You can see her eyes (they're closed), nose and mouth and her hand is right by her face. Looking at the picture, just know she is facing to your right.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Hey everyone, welcome!! First i'll start off with a little update on us. I am 33 weeks pregnant, so i'm getting pretty big. We're having a girl, and of course I have been going crazy with her room and clothes. Landon is already afraid! She's a marathon runner already.....and I thought Talon was active. She puts him to shame....of course with her I feel ALL of it!! Her name is Teagan Renee, and no we didn't make up that name. It was in a name book and I had heard of it before and really liked it. Landon liked the sound of Talon and Teagan together, so that's how it came about. Her official due date is March 7th, so we're sorta playing the waiting game to see if I start getting pre-eclampsia again. I have starting swelling and my blood pressure is slowly we'll see. Here are pics of her bedroom...

Talon is doing great!! He's such a little man. He will be 3 in March and it's so crazy to me how the time has flown by. He loves his cars and trucks and he's 100% boy. He loves going to Mother's Day Out (school) and really loves his teachers. We had his first dental appointment the other day....he wouldn't let them clean his teeth, but with a little bribery he let the dentist look at his teeth. No cavitities! Here is a recent picture of him. Most of you know that daddy is a huge music freak, and like father like son. He loves to just sit on dad's lap and listen to music. It's probably the few times we can get Talon to sit still for a long time.

Hopefully this will be the first of many blogs and pictures. Continue coming back for updates and soon we'll pics of Teagan!! Love y'all!