Sunday, February 17, 2008

February 20th

It looks like Teagan will be making her grand appearance a few days early. I had my doctor's appointment last Thursday. Last week felt like the turning point for a bad two more weeks! I was a lot more swollen than I had been, I had a headache that wouldn't go away (which I guess with pre-eclampsia that isn't good), my blood pressure was high all week and of course the normal pregnancy woes that I didn't have a chance to experience with Talon in my last month was the HORRIBLE heartburn and being extremely tired to the point of sleeping in my car before picking Talon up from school. So at my doctor's appointment she was concerned with the advancing signs of pre-eclampsia, so she admitted me to the hospital to be monitored for a few hours and have my blood work done. Everything came back fine, but she felt that she didn't want to push my body to the point I had got with Talon so she said that we would induce on Wednesday, February 20th. YAY, was all I could think!!! Now it's time to tie up all loose ends and make sure i'm ready.

So be on the lookout for details and pictures of Teagan Renee Scott this week!!

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