Sunday, August 10, 2008

Lots of smiles

Teagan is at the best age right now. She is starting to explore things and is always smiling! Today we tried cereal for the first time, and she decided that she can already feed herself, or at least try. While Talon just sat back and let me feed him, not Teagan. She is rolling around everywhere....I found her in the kitchen the other day. She can sit up by herself until she realizes that she's sitting up and then down she goes. We still plan on getting her helmet, we just have to wait until she turns six months, which is in a couple weeks.

Talon is doing great. He had his tonsils out and he was a champ throughout the whole process. He has a higher voice now, which the doctor said he should of had the entire time. Sounds a little like Mickey Mouse and a little more innocent.

Here are some pictures of the kids.

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