Saturday, September 20, 2008

She's on the Move

This week we had Teagan's 6mo doctor visit, although she is 7mo today (got a little behind due to the doctor's schedule). She is in the 75th %tile for height and weight. She is 18.2 lbs and 27 in long. The doctor says she is doing great, a very healthy baby. She was also surprised at how she is already crawling!! I foresee we're going to have another Talon....

So, Teagan has mastered crawling. She started to inch crawl about two weeks ago, but she pretty much has it down now. She knows she can get places, and she does!! It's almost time for the gates to go up....


The Liberto Family said...

Go Teagan Go! Oh life is going to fun with two active kids! Wait till we all get together for Christmas all the kids on the move watch out! She is so cute.

Tiffany said...

Ok you need to add ur 2cute2spoil website on her! Can I add it to mine?

Tiffany said...

I meant here!